Market Announcement That Will Affect the Way You Trade Forever...
There's so much news thrown at us every day, it's hard to filter out the important from the inane. This is especially true with the markets - turn on any news channel and you get your choice of the talking heads telling you why they're right ;-)
Anyway, there IS one big recent announcement regarding the markets that you should be aware of. It's a major development for the U.S. stock market.
The options experts at Options University are all over this and have recorded a special trading video that reveals the importance of this recent development.
Watch this 11-minute trading video now. Every other trader will eventually understand the importance of this development, so the earlier you understand it, the better.
The BIGGEST and most EXCITING trend to hit the markets in decades – courtesy of the NASDAQ!
CLICK to See the Video NOW!
| | Do you like change? Or are you comfy the way things are.
Because this video is going to do one of two things...
It should either get you really excited... or, it should frustrate the heck out of you because of this upcoming change to the stock market.
Regardless of how you feel, this change could have a profound impact on how you trade.
Here's the top of an email Brett Fogle & Ron Ianieri from the Options Unversity sent me a day or two ago regarding this:
"Stock traders are up in arms, fuming mad at NASDAQ's latest announcement regarding options -- and what it all means to the stock market and your trading (HINT: you may never trade stock again...)."
So, if you're interested in learning about what's going on and how it could affect your trading forever, watch the video here:
CLICK to See the Video NOW! | P.S. Ron thinks that fortunes will be made in the next 12 - 18 months with this new information. Only time will tell, of course; but those with the best information usually have a huge edge over those that don't. » Get the info here... | | |
# posted by Swingtrade @ 9:20 AM