Thursday, November 30, 2006

Super Divergence Blueprint @Profits Run presents:

S&P500 Cash Video - did you avoid this drop?

Did you see what the S&P 500 Cash market did this week? After a nonstop bullish run since mid-July, it fell on 11/27, Monday.

Now, many traders may not have seen this coming. However, select traders that understand how to identify "divergences" in the market could have either closed out their long positions or entered into a short position right before this happened.

If you're not familiar with divergence trading, you need to be. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's like discovering hidden trading opportunities, because most traders just flat out don't use this method.

Check out this short video that shows you how a step-by-step divergence method predicted this drop in the S&P 500 Cash market before it happened:

- How SDB predicted the drop on the S&P 500

P.S. - Most trading courses don't teach divergence trading... so when you learn a good divergence trading method, you can add it to just about any trend-following course or method you're currently using... Or, you can just trade divergences on their own. It's like having another tool in your trading "toolkit". Enjoy this video and learn how to add divergence trading to YOUR toolkit today. ยป Super Divergence Blueprint FREE Video...

P.P.S. - Ultimate Trading Machine - In just a few seconds you can download a professionally produced video you simply must see, that will not only change the way you trade, but also the approach you take to your trading, forever. Check HERE to learn if the Ultimate Trading Machine is available on the market once more.

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