Universal Market Trader - Forex, Futures & Stocks
The brand NEW Universal Market Trader!
Stocks, Futures & Forex, both for Daytrades and Swing trades.
4 out of 5 Wins - Another Regular Day
If you aren't averaging about 70%+, or nearly 4 out of 5, then you aren't doing as well as the Universal Market Traders owners. And we're not the one's saying this, the owners are.
Universal Market Trader
"The UMT is by far the most consistently accurate trading system I have ever tried. In the last two weeks I have day traded 9 days. 8 of those days were profitable. I am running about 70% win.ning trades. The live trading rooms and weekly seminars have been invaluable in learning the system, and helping understand some nuance, such as what to do when a trade almost reaches target, and managing trades for profit. The owner's website and daily chat rooms have also been very helpful. Thanks very much Netpicks." - Douglas Felten
This is one of many testimonials we've received, most of which are actually recorded audio that we have transcribed, as dozens of owners have actually taken the time to call in and leave these on our voicemail.
Universal Market Trader
Go check out the Universal Market Trader's latest trades. We've got actual examples from all markets - forex, stocks, futures and commodities - daytrading and swingtrading. This truly is a one size fits all system...but don't take our word for it, the proof that it's working for hundreds of current users is just one tap away. |
Trading Multiple Markets in Multiple Timeframes
Imagine a methodology so powerful, that once you learn it, you will immediately be able to trade markets you never even considered, or maybe you have, but never got around to learning a whole new way to trade them.
The UMT strategy gives precise non subjective trade set-ups that are instantly and easily identified, regardless of the market, timeframe or trend Click for Universal Market Trader Now!
# posted by Swingtrade @ 8:39 AM